Principal Investigator:
Abdallah Elsayed, PhD., PEng., Associate Professor
Dr. Abdallah Elsayed completed his undergraduate, masters and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) with a research focus on light metal solidification and characterisation. After completing his PhD, Abdallah was employed at Nemak Canada Corporation located in Windsor, Ontario as a research engineer. Abdallah joined the school of engineering at the University of Guelph in July 2017 with a research focus in advanced manufacturing and development of materials for the automotive, biomedical, environmental and food industries. Abdallah has more than 30 journal publications with numerous conference proceedings and presentations.
Abdallah is a professional engineer and member of ASM international, TMS and CIM. Abdallah was the 2022 recipient of the ASM Bronze Medal, 2020 recipient of the ASM International Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers, 2020 TMS Light Metals Division Young Leaders Professional Development Award and selected as a CIM Emerging Professional in 2020.
A link to publications can be found on Google Scholar

Current Researchers:
- Rahul Barbhuiya, co-supervised with Prof. Singh
- Charles Wroblewski, co-supervised with Prof. Singh
- Stephanie Kotiadis
- Matthew Bolan, co-supervised with Prof. Bardelcik
- Catherine Youssef, co-supervised with Prof. Singh
- Daria Humeniuc
- Sevda Fathipour
- Gautam Naresh Genani
Recent Alumni:
- Pradeep Bhagtani, Jr. Design Engineer, Linamar Corporation
- Saipriya Ramalingam, Post-doc at University of Guelph
- Mariana Zavala Serret, Power and Control Engineer EIT, Hatch
- Adam Zimmer, Manufacturing Designer, Tigercat Industries
Alumni Totals:
Undergraduate: 14
Masters (thesis based): 7
Masters (non- thesis based): 7
PhD: 5